News & Articles


New HardBit Ransomware 4.0 Uses Passphrase Protection to Evade Detection

17 Jul 2024

Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a new version of a ransomware strain called HardBit that comes packaged with new obfuscation techniques to deter analysis efforts.

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Indonesia tightens cybersecurity after ransomware attack

15 Jul 2024

The recent cyberattack in Indonesia, which massively disrupted its national data system, has urged the country to strengthen its cyber resilience and evaluate its digital technology policy, reported Xinhua.

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New “Paste and Run” Phishing Technique Makes CTRL-V A Cyber Attack Accomplice

09 Jul 2024

A new phishing campaign tries to trick email recipients into pasting and executing malicious commands on their system that installs DarkGate malware.

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How the CISO Can Transform Into a True Cyber Hero

08 Jul 2024

Three steps that can help CISOs bring calm to incident response, redefine how they are perceived, and emerge as the hero in a cyber crisis.

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Microsoft Outlook Flaw Exploited by Russia's APT28 to Hack Czech, German Entities

07 May 2024

Czechia and Germany on Friday revealed that they were the target of a long-term cyber espionage campaign conducted by the Russia-linked nation-state actor known as APT28, drawing condemnation from the European Union (E.U.), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the U.K., and the U.S.

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